
Monday, October 6, 2014

Christmas project - easy wood block trees

Hopefully you're not getting too sick of all my wood projects of late?
I can't help it - the options are limitless!
This is something you can do with the kids, with scrap wood and scrap materials you have laying around - and almost no expense whatsoever - and it will turn out amazingly!

These were some scrap pieces of wood we had leftover after our "Believe" signs the other day.

and this was an idea that Lovely Lisa sent to me:

I'm sorry I can't give credit here - I'm not sure where it was found?

BUT it got me to thinking….
I have several crappy, leftover pieces of wood, but when put into a small bundle, could be ANYTHING!

Ghosts, Frankensteins, presents, snowmen (sharing one scarf - wouldn't that be cute?) or Christmas trees.

I wasn't confident in my ability to actually paint out a Frankenstein, so I opted for Christmas trees:

First I cut the blocks to be three varying heights (widths don't matter) and then I sanded them down.
I was going to try to sand them into a cone shape, but lost motivation after awhile - sanding them to a shape is definitely the hard way to do it.

Instead, I took what I've learned through my make-up lessons with Pink Ink and used paint to create the look of trees.  Bright attracts the eye, and dark makes features recede.
Dab a little black on the corners where the tree would narrow:

I just used a sponge for this, nothing fancy.

From here, I wanted to give it a bit more of a tree look, so I sponged over it with the original green on angles to look like tree branches.

This is abstract art - doesn't have to be perfect.

Finally, I cut small pieces of dowel for the trunks.  You could use smaller pieces of the wood blocks, but I actually had a dowel lying around (you'd be amazed at all the crap I have "lying around" here. lol)

I didn't have brown paint, so I used the girls' Crayola brown.  It's going to get covered with Mod Podge anyways, so don't worry.  Finally, a little star from Michael's hot glued to the top.

Paint the entire thing with Mod Podge (I used sparkle) then when dry, wrap the bunch with a length of ribbon.

I know what you're thinking - it might need a bit more glitter right?
Okay, that's what I was thinking. lol

Scraps - every piece (except the stars) - I didn't put one additional penny into this project.

Tell me this wouldn't be fun with the kids?!

Have a great one!

Jockey P2P Look of the Day
Washed satin button-front tunic in multi-python
Classic fine whale bootcut cords in brique

I love these cords!  They have a hint of spandex in them to pack you in and make you look curvy and the blouse can be worn tucked in, or as a tunic over leggings!

Linked to:
Between Naps on the Porch

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