
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Snack Shop

Back to school!

I'm wiggling-in-my-seat happy! 

Not that I don't love my kids, but there's not much room for working from home when they are here.  
And when I do sit down to get something accomplished, I feel terribly guilty for neglecting them.

So back to school gives me a few hours to work, and then the rest of my time for them.

Plus, they are still at the age where they love school and are missing their friends after a long summer.


I saw a photo on Facebook about some brilliant mom/dad who created a lunch station to help with the morning mayhem.

They put all the little snacks into snack bags,

perfectly portioned for their kids' appetites,

and then set them all out so that the kids could choose what went into their lunches each day.


So I brought out all of the junky snacks,

and the healthy ones,

  and set them out at kid-height in a cute little display.

All the girls have to do is select a couple of healthy and a junk - and then there's still the bin in the fridge for yogurt, cheeses, and fruit - and they can pack their own lunches!

Everything they need is portion controlled, pre-packaged and cheaper than buying individual packages of everything.

I know what you're thinking - "But Shelly, where did you get that adorable snack station from?"

It's the girls lemonade/grocery stand!


(Why is it $129 in the US and $598 in Canada?  RIDICULOUS!)

Repurposed here since they weren't using it in their playroom.

I love how cute this is!

Now I just have to shoo take them to their new classes!

Happy first day back to school girls!

Have a great one!

Linked to:
Between Naps on the Porch
Tatertots & Jello


  1. What a cool idea and great way to use their play stand. Don't have any littles at home but could use this on hubby. ;)
    But! Hahahahaha! The "How Much Turmoil Does the Science Project Cause Families?" Killed me! I laughed so hard.
    Did your kiddo do that poster? Too dang funny and so true. We always hated when ds had a science project due.

    1. Not my poster, but I do wish I'd thought of it when I was in school - this kid deserves an A!
      The snack stand is working well so far, perhaps a little TOO well - Mommy seems to be passing by it far too often. lol
      Thanks for taking the time to comment!


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