
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cleaning Stainless Steel

Stainless steel appliances have such a sleek look.

They fit into any decorating scheme from modern to traditional.

They infer a sophistication and an elegance to a kitchen...

IF they're clean.

Which mine never seem to be.

The only thing those avocado or harvest gold coloured fridges have over today's models is their ability to hide fingerprints.

My dishwasher is the worst:
  BUT, I have come across the greatest cleaner evah!

Barkeeper's Friend.

It looks like Comet or Ajax, but isn't abrasive!

I've actually cleaned cutlery scuffs off of my fine white china with it. (that post another day)
It's that gentle (and strong).

The sponge is showing all of the dirt and tarnish that came off of the dishwasher

If you want to keep fingerprints at bay for awhile, wash with the Bar Keeper's Friend, dry and then polish it with furniture polish.
It gives it a great shine and makes it easy to wipe.

I also did my disgusting cooktop;

Those swirl marks are from me using Comet - not the Bar Keeper's Friend.

Those swirl marks are also why I switched to Bar Keeper's Friend. 

Just a note - DON'T use furniture polish here.
It might work, or it might cause your cooktop to burst into uncontrollable flames.
I didn't want to test it to find out.

Linked to:
Between Naps on the Porch
Made From Pinteres

Have a great one!


  1. From everything I've read, furniture polish will clean it the first time but then it's more susceptible to finger prints and it does build up and is almost impossible to clean. I finally switched to Ultimate Cloths and threw out everything else. You just use the cloth with plain water. If that doesn't work I use a little soap and water and then the Ultimate Cloth. I was so frustrated with my stainless steel appliances before I found these cloths that I was sorry I had purchased them. I have NOTHING to do with this company.

    1. Does it clean it streak free? I'm game for anything that will work!

  2. Where would you by Bar Keeper's Friend?

    1. Funnily enough, it's not that easy to come by in London. None of the big box stores carried it, but I did find it at Home Hardware.
      Same price as the other abrasives, just not as well known I guess?

  3. Hi...Just thought I pass this on to you. I have stainless steel appliances and keep them beautifully looking brand new and my fridge is about 12 years old. I had a friend ask me when did I get a new fridge...she was shocked when I told her it was 12 years old...she quickly asked me how I cleaned it and kept it looking new. The product I use is called Weiman Stainless Steel Cleaner. It sprays out as a foam and you use papertowels, or a dry cloth and just wipe it over the area you wanted polished. It doesn't leave any marks and it cleans any grime. It like window cleaner for your stainless. I purchase it at Walmart here in the U.S......but you can order it online and it's worth it. Using this products takes less than a minute to clean my stainless!

    1. Thanks for the heads up! I'm curious about the Enjo cloths though - anything that my kids can lick (should they so decide) sounds kind of appealing? lol

  4. Peggy - I'm the person who posted the stainless steel (foam) cleaner....I thought I'd mention that this product does seem to also clean my "glass" cook top as well. I'll try sending you a picture of my kitchen so you can see how nice this product works on my appliances.

    1. Your kitchen is SPECTACULAR! Does anyone even notice dirt in all of that gorgeousness?

  5. Hi Shelly, You can easily clean dirty and stained stainless steel (among everything else in your kitchen) with just the ENJO Kitchen Glove and ENJOfil. If the staining is older and set in, a little ENJO Marble Paste and ENJO Kitchen Scrub will take that staining off without scratching or damaging your surface either. Many harsh cleaners may look like they are "cleaning", but they also damage the surfaces in your home over time (sometimes even after just 1 use). Do it gently and chemical-free with ENJO and water. No chemicals, no residue, no dirt, no germs... your kids could lick those surfaces and you wouldn't have to worry about what they are ingesting. oh.... trust me.... if you have young kids at home... they ARE licking those surfaces. LOL (even if you're not seeing it).


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